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Thursday, 23 June 2011

Today is my 4th day of school and realized it's not easy~
Unlike poly, everyone is studying hard here.
They finish their homework within one day,
they go back and revise their notes~

I must work extremely hard to pass this bridging course!
Today the Econs teacher show us the exam question for the course,
We were shocked ~ Because the question is so difficult..
My goodness No wonder the passing mark is so low~

What's done is done, I will not go back! I will move forward and do my best in my studies!
So I shall study now! Tata!!! Love you~

writtern @4:30 pm

Be yourself
Tuesday, 21 June 2011

I am still deciding whether to dye hair or not.
Like what dear said: No matter what you do to yourself, I'll still love u for who u are..
and on top of that, he send me an article that thought me : Just be myself.
Don't follow what other people do.
Oh well, it's kinda true that dye hair will make someone prettier but at the same time it damaged your hair.. so conclusion is it maked you pretty yet ugly?

I am still deciding.

1st day of school is ok.
Today, 2nd day of school, I sort of chat with "L" and realized the story behind why "C" being so anti-social and also kinda neglected by her "once-upon" clique.
"C" introduced some job to "AB" and 2 others..
and "C" gave them their salary lesser than what they're suppose to get in the first place.
Sometimes there are reasons why people don't like you.
Please ask yourself : Why people don't like me?
Please stop hating people for that!

You can do what you want, other peopl cannot do anything.
You can decide who you want to be.
And you have to bear your own fruits. :)

writtern @2:05 pm

Catch up with old friend Pei Qi
Saturday, 18 June 2011

Today went out with PeiQi to have lunch at The Manhattan Fish Market~ We ordered seafood platter for 2 and top up $8 for 2 drinks and 2 soup ~ Total we spent $44.60 on lunch.
It's expensive but the seafood was nice :) I love the prawns~

After that we went for a movie : Mr. Popper's Penguin. It was showing a boy (Popper) who seldom contact with his dad because his dad tour around the world. And 30 yrs later, his dad gave him a present : Penguin... A live penguin~ And he bagan his interesting life with the penguin/s. The movie is funny and interesting~ The whole cinema's people was laughing out loud most of the time. :)
The movie also thaught me to treasure the one we love. :D Very sweet

After that we went to buy a Sony thumb drive 8GB $17.90 for my dad.
Happy Father's Day !! :D
Love my dad and family.

writtern @6:21 pm

Hep B boost
Friday, 17 June 2011

Yesterday went to get my blood test result for Hep B and doctor said I already have Antibody of 22 which is more than 10.
If the antibody drop to 10 means there is a need for boost.
Durian said it's good to have a boost since my antibody is quite low.
He paid for my jab which cost $41.
Thank him so much for helping me to pay.
Initially I thought it's bad of me to let him pay so I wanted to pay the jab myself but durian insisted to pay for me. He is very sweet right? :)
He told his mom about it and his mom also said they will pay for my jab, I feel a bit uneasy because I am worry his mom will think that I kept using his son's money like a "blood-sucker".
Complicated feelings huh?

After the jab we went for a movie at J8 GV : Green Lantern. I find it very funny at some part like the guy said : He(the green alien) proposed? LOL! I can't stop laughing at that.
But durian said he prefer the movie : X-Men First Class but still find The Priest the best. :)
Yea, I agree with him, Priest the movie is very nice :D
I am so gonna watch "Harry Potter" and "Transformers" with him :D

The jab is painful and make my hand super numb, I can't even take off my clothes properly.
Sigh~ Hopefully the pain will go away after 1 day.

writtern @10:00 am

New blog!
Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Hey yo! This is my new blog~
I wanted to put watermelon but it's taken.

SIM-UOL life is starting soon.
New blog for a new life~

I will try to update this blog as often as possible.
I intend to keep this blog to my closest friends and boyfriend only, to keep them update of what's happening to my life, my thoughts etc.

Today called up the NYP and DBS regarding the notebook loan.
End result is to wait for "OMPM" letter to come. :D
Today also went out shopping with dear and bought a lot of stuff :) Ultra happy!

and lastly..
I have tons of to-do list to make.
Gonna update them soon. So excited man!
Photos will be uploaded soon :)

writtern @5:22 pm